Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Best Moisture Analyzer in the Business!

Computrac® MAX® 4000XL Highlights
A few unique features to the Computrac® MAX® 4000XL
•  MAX® 4000XL has a fan that comes on after the test is over to help cool the heating element
down quicker. This produces a 25% quicker throughput of product.
•  MAX® 4000XL is capable of allowing a customer to control the ramp rate. This comes in handy if
a customer would like to know exactly when some of the other components in their product
evaporate at temperature heating.

•  MAX® 4000XL has the ability for Ethernet hook up for remote access through the internet. The
software program is a little different and allows you to develop parameters for product.
• MAX® 4000XL allows the user to write the final test result formula. The Equation Editor
calculates and displays results related to the parameters used to calculate moisture %.

•  MAX® 4000XL stores 1000 of the last tests with 100 of the last graphs.

•  MAX® 4000XL has an optional Bar Code Reader. If you are interested in identifying your sample
using a Bar Code System, this optional feature is available.

•  MAX® 4000XL has a Parameter Expert and Parameter Optimizer program that allows in house
method development.

For additional information please contact:
Customer Service or Sales Representative or call us at 800.528.7411.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Employee Announcement

Arizona Instrument LLC welcomes Idonia Mancillas to the Marketing Department!  Idonia has joined us from the Customer Service Department.  She has been doing a phenomenal job for our company in the service department for nearly 5 years, and will be a huge asset to the Marketing Department.

Her official title will be Marketing Specialist, and she will be handling our tradeshow shipping coordination, sales literature requests and lead entry.  We are so excited to have her on the Marketing Team!

Shari Moore
Marketing Manager
Arizona Instrument LLC